Research Paper Questions

What is your social issue?

Social media

Why is it such a social issue?  What do people disagree about in relation to this topic?

Its a social issue because it can be harmful to the youth, people disagree because some think it can be useful

What is your proposed solution?  Why do you think this is the best solution?

To keep the youth active and limit their access or time using social media

What are pros to your solution?

Limiting their access, parents telling them the dangers, social groups for social media, advertisement about the dangers

What are cons to your solution?

Education sites on the web, School computers instead of books, schools putting a wall between the social sites

Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic? (Need to post at least 2 questions)

(Ex. Do you agree / disagree that parents should be forced to vaccinate their children / allowed to skip vaccination requirements?  Why or why not?

Do you have any recommendations of sources, links, videos, data, etc that I could utilize for my research paper on this topic?

How do you think I could improve my argument?)

Do you agree / disagree that parents should always keep up

with what their kids are doing on the internet and social sites.

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